Die Umgangssprache ist ein Teil des menschlichen Organismus und nicht weniger kompliziert als dieser.
die umgangssprache ist ein teil des mensch-lich-en organismus und nicht wenig-er komplizeiert als dies-er
DET.NOM.F.SG {colloquial language} be.3SG.PRS DET.NOM.M.SG part DET.GEN.M.SG human-ADJ-AGR.GEN.M.SG organism and NEG less-CMPR complicated CMPR DET-AGR.M.SG
the {colloquial language} is a part {of the} human organism and not less complicated than it
‘Colloquial language is a part of the human organism and is not less complicated than it.’ — Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 4.002
<div data-gloss>
<p>Die Umgangssprache ist ein Teil des menschlichen Organismus und nicht weniger kompliziert als dieser.</p>
<p>die umgangssprache ist ein teil des mensch-lich-en organismus und nicht wenig-er komplizeiert als dies-er</p>
<p>DET.NOM.F.SG {colloquial language} be.3SG.PRS DET.NOM.M.SG part DET.GEN.M.SG human-ADJ-AGR.GEN.M.SG organism and NEG less-CMPR complicated CMPR DET-AGR.M.SG</p>
<p>the {colloquial language} is a part {of the} human organism and not less complicated than it</p>
<p>‘Colloquial language is a part of the human organism and is not less complicated than it.’ — Wittgenstein, <i>Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus</i>, 4.002</p>
Leipzig({ firstLineOrig: true }).gloss();
Source: Wikipedia
太陽 が 昇る。
taiyō ga noboru
sun NTOP rise
<div id="japanese">
<p>太陽 が 昇る。</p>
<p>taiyō ga noboru</p>
<p>sun NTOP rise</p>
Leipzig('#japanese', {
firstLineOrig: true,
lastLineFree: false
Source: Wikipedia
DaH mojaq-mey-vam DI-vuS-nIS-be’ ’e’ vI-Har
now suffix-PL-DEM 1PL.A.3PL.P-limit-need-NEG that 1SG.A.3SG.P-believe
‘I believe that we do not need to limit these suffixes now.’
<div id="klingon">
<p> </p>
<p>DaH mojaq-mey-vam DI-vuS-nIS-be’ ’e’ vI-Har</p>
<p>now suffix-PL-DEM 1PL.A.3PL.P-limit-need-NEG that 1SG.A.3SG.P-believe</p>
<p>‘I believe that we do not need to limit these suffixes now.’</p>
Leipzig('#klingon', { firstLineOrig: true }).gloss();
#klingon.gloss__line--original { font-family: pIqAd; }
Source: Wikipedia
ni- mits- teː- tla- maki -ltiː -s'
1SG- 2SG- someone- something- give -CAUS -FUT
‘I shall make somebody give something to you’
<div id="nahuatl">
<p>ni- mits- teː- tla- maki -ltiː -s'</p>
<p>1SG- 2SG- someone- something- give -CAUS -FUT</p>
<p>‘I shall make somebody give something to you’</p>
Leipzig('#nahuatl', {
firstLineOrig: true,
spacing: false
Source: Wikipedia
Usaopuspe aeyaykotuymasiramsuypa.
usa- opuspe {} a- e- yay- ko- tuyma- si- ram- suy -pa
various- rumors {} 1SG- APPL- REFL- APPL- far- REFL- heart- sway -ITER
‘I wonder about various rumors.’
<div id="ainu">
<p>Usaopuspe aeyaykotuymasiramsuypa.</p>
<p>usa- opuspe {} a- e- yay- ko- tuyma- si- ram- suy -pa</p>
<p>various- rumors {} 1SG- APPL- REFL- APPL- far- REFL- heart- sway -ITER
<p>‘I wonder about various rumors.’</p>
firstLineOrig: true,
spacing: false
El perrito está comiendo.
the {little dog} is eating.
<div id="spanish">
<p>El perrito está comiendo.</p>
<p>the {little dog} is eating.</p>
Leipzig('#spanish', { lastLineFree: false }).gloss();
<ul id="nyanja">
<li>Ine ni-mu-kond-a.</li>
<li>1SG 1SG.SBJ-3SG.OBJ-love-IND</li>
<li>‘Me, I love him/her.’</li>